Publisher's Synopsis
Fifty-nine lies from 29 liars. Wait, what? You said 44 Lies by 22 Liars. Well, the editor's a liar too. It is not an insult to call an author a liar. I mean, let's face it, fiction authors are professional liars. They get paid to tell stories. Stories that we hope are not necessarily true. However, to be fair, authors of certain genres tell stories we wish were true, I think. Romance authors and utopian science fiction authors come to mind in the "wish they were true" category. Same goes with some literary drama. But who reads literary drama for fun? Not me. With the exception of four, I have met each one of these 30 glorious liars in person. Yes, I said 29. As the editor of this tome, I too am a liar. Besides, 59 Stories by 29 Authors doesn't have the same zing as 44 Lies by 22 Liars. You can't spot any of these professional liars as they cross the street. They don't look any different than your typical person. They have their fair share of odd haircuts, tattoos, misshapen heads and ancillary appendages, just like everyone else. Yet, they stand out in a different way. They can tell a story. In fact, they can tell stories so well that you forget you are being lied to. Flash fiction from ... J. David Anderson, Paul Michael Anderson, David Bernard, Max Booth III, C. Bryan Brown, Kenneth W. Cain, Brad Carter, Kyle Dickerson, Emma Ennis, Robert Essig, Teel James Glenn, Scott Goudsward, KT Jayne, Tally Johnson, MF Korn, Christian A. Larsen, Michael Matula, Josef Matulich, Jessica McHugh, P. Andrew Miller, Georgina Morales, Billie Sue Mosiman, g. Elmer Munson, Andrew Nienaber, Cynthia Pelayo, Nelson W. Pyles, Patrick Scalisi, Rob Smales, and Tim Waggoner.