Publisher's Synopsis
Animals Beautiful, Brutal Poetry in Motion So many are endangered Yet the Wildlife Conservation Society Fights on their behalf This poetry menagerie joins the cause Civilized Beasts is a poetry for charity anthology. Poets and artists from all over the world have come together to donate their time and their work to help save our wildlife. If you purchase this book, all of the profit earned will be donated to The Wildlife Conservation Society to aid them in their cause. Weasel Press invites all our readers to join us in our celebration of poetry and to help us in our global commitment. http: // Poets include: Larry D. Thomas B. H. Tang Kevin Gillam Chris Wise BanWynn Oakshadow Arian Mabe Marge Simon Jason Huitt (Lunostophiles) Eduard Dragomir Szabo Sandi Stromberg Renee Carter Hall Edwin 'Utunu' Herrell George Squares Ceò Amy Fontaine Alice "Huskyteer" Dryden Winston Derden Carolyn A. Dahl Kenket Dwale Joyce Parkes Stefano "Mando" Zocchi Dominique Goodall Televassi David Andrew Cowan Altivo Overo Kits Koriohn Denise Clemons Jack Warren Lynn White Bruce Boston Laura "Munchkin" Govednik Weasel