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Easy Does It

Easy Does It The Haurenthian Chronicles

Paperback (05 Nov 2014)

  • $18.90
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Publisher's Synopsis

Leo, Sara, and Brandon are the only ones who can save Earth from the horrific Moogay race. The Moogay are barreling across the universe towards Earth from their home planet, Torinthia, part of the Puratorial Galaxy. But two of our heroes have mysterious secrets. Will these secrets finally be revealed as their journey to save Earth unfolds? With federal goons chasing them at every turn, and even the President questioning the validity of their heroic efforts, it's a race across the universe and against the clock in a 70's-era van. Can they defeat the evil Moogay? Will the foretold prophecy come true? Will everyone back home remain blissfully unaware of the impending danger as our daring trio jets across the universe to save Earth, the entire Milky Way Galaxy, and everything they call home?

Book information

ISBN: 9780692270783
Publisher: L & L Publishing
Imprint: L & L Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 276
Weight: 408g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 16mm