Publisher's Synopsis
Loose in the Wind is a compelling story of loss of self, the truth of who the author was born to be. Forced to follow a mentally ill, alcoholic father through 17 years of dysfunction, a blurred montage of mental illness, rage, drunkenness, highways, church pastors, jobs, houses, towns, schools and friends, he could call no place home.
"Get in the Car, son,"
I did as he said but felt terrible, knowing he had such physical and emotional power over me; then, like thieves in the night, we slipped out of Auburn in the Buick, suddenly on the road between Michigan and Ohio. He never said why we were leaving; but, by now, it didn't matter, because our lives were uncontrollably caught up in dad's cycles of overactive and depressed brain chemicals. I believed it never would end until I was strong enough to leave home.