Assembly of Thirteen, the First Two Companions

Assembly of Thirteen, the First Two Companions

eBook (19 Dec 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

For hundreds of years, the Athany, once a peaceful race of giants, created to arbitrate Justice to the people of Quetza, has been cursed to obey the Falesto Emperors. The new Emperor has been systematically committing genocide of all nonhuman races using the Athany as a Murderous weapon. A promise started a chain of events meant to break the curse and start the Assembly of Thirteen to choose a new leader for Quetza. The Assembly requires four Companions, eight magi Gift-Vessels, and a Priest-in a country without religions and all the Gift-Vessels ordered to serve the Emperor. On earth is the future leader of the Assembly, June Dunbar, a broken woman living a lonely life in Livermore, California. The second is a cursed and murderous Athany named Kara, who after hundreds of years as an assassin must chose to risk it all, for a chance on life. The two must fight Soldier, demons and prejudice,that are in the way to find the others, who must accept their roles in the Assembly of Thirteen.

Book information

ISBN: 9780692046579
Publisher: Omayra Velez
Imprint: Omayra Velez
Pub date:
Weight: 1g
Height: 10mm
Width: 6mm
Spine width: 1mm