Am I Okay?

Am I Okay? A Layman's Guide to the Psychiatrist's Bible

Paperback (18 Sep 2000)

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Publisher's Synopsis

One out of five people in this country suffers from a definable mental disorder or substance problem, yet few get the treatment they need because they fail to seek help. AM i OKAY? will help people identify whether or not a psychiatric problem exists, and give them authoritative, easily understood information about the nature of the disorder and its treatment options. AM I OKAY? also includes "Twenty Questions to Get You Started," a diagnostic screening questionnaire covering the wide range of physical, emotional, and behavioural symptoms that may indicate problems. (Some readers will find that they are, in fact, okay and can put their worries to rest.) Each question refers readers to the specific section of the book where they will find a detailed description of the disorder, complete with the range of treatments available, suggestions for further reading, and listings of self-help, support, and advocacy groups and other useful sources and further information.

Book information

ISBN: 9780684859613
Publisher: Scribner
Imprint: Scribner
Pub date:
DEWEY: 616.89075
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 445
Weight: 604g
Height: 148mm
Width: 218mm
Spine width: 28mm