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Paperback (07 Jun 1999)

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Publisher's Synopsis

What an idea - the Museum of the Mind. At the University of Wessex, Sir John Westgate and Dr Katharine Beckford have used computer power and AIs to create over 200 fictional characters from all periods of history, known as 'erams', who respond to questions as a real human being would. Soldiers, parsons, lawyers, even a Victorian tart with a heart. For Dr Beckford, it's a wonderful use of artificial intelligence and a superb learning tool. For Sir John, it's a wonderful use of university funds and a superb way to make money (and gain personal honours).
Something was bound to go wrong.
When a number of erams escape from the system, becoming self-aware, it seems that the outbreak can be contained, but life is never that simple. But the University should never have attempted to destroy them...

Book information

ISBN: 9780671028626
Publisher: Earthlight
Imprint: Earthlight
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.914
DEWEY edition: 21
Number of pages: 345
Weight: 188g
Height: 178mm
Width: 111mm