Revelation: A Commentary

Revelation: A Commentary - The New Testament Library

Paperback (07 Mar 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The book of Revelation is one of the most complicated in the New Testament. The book calls for a prophetic reaction to the world and uses some of the most violent language of the entire Bible. Brian Blount's commentary provides a sure and confident guide through these difficult and sometimes troubling passages, seeing Revelation as a prophetic intervention and at the same time an awe-inspiring swirl of frightening violence and breathtaking hope.The New Testament Library offers authoritative commentary on every book and major aspect of the New Testament, as well as classic volumes of scholarship. The commentaries in this series provide fresh translations based on the best available ancient manuscripts, offer critical portrayals of the historical world in which the books were created, pay careful attention to their literary design, and present a theologically perceptive exposition of the text.

Book information

ISBN: 9780664239022
Publisher: Presbyterian Publishing Corporation
Imprint: Westminster John Knox Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 488
Weight: 510g
Height: 228mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 28mm