My Brother/Sister Has a disABILITY

My Brother/Sister Has a disABILITY

Hardback (03 Dec 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

My Brother/Sister has a disABILITY shares:

We are all different.

But some people live with more challenges than others.

Often, we see those who are not able to do things the way that we can as dis-abled.

Indeed, they may not have the same abilities as you, but ability is something that they still have. Just like you, they are people with talents, hopes, skills, and dreams.

Many people have brothers and sisters with bodies that work in another way, and that's okay.

It's MORE than okay.

In fact, most of the time it's amazing to have someone in the family who moves in a different way or thinks in a different way.

It's an adventure!

This is a book full of lessons and reassurances. It aims to change our perception of children with disabilities and to reassure so-called able-bodied children that being different is nothing to fear. It is ideal for children who may be struggling with the realities of attending school with a classmate who has unique challenges or living with a disabled sibling, offering them an image of positivity and the assurance that they are not alone. It's also perfect for children with disabilities for exactly the same reasons.

Book information

ISBN: 9780648802457
Publisher: Chrys Ann Publishing
Imprint: Chrys Ann Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 36
Weight: 413g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 6mm