Indo-European Mythology and Religion: Essays

Indo-European Mythology and Religion: Essays

Paperback (18 Feb 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The essays presented in this collection are based on Alexander Jacob's earlier works, Atman: A Reconstruction of the Solar Cosmology of the Indo-Europeans, Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 2005 and Brahman: A Study of the Solar Rituals of the Indo-Europeans, Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 2012. They expand on the cosmological and religious themes discussed in these books with special reference to the origins and development of the Indic and European spiritual traditions. Those familiar with the earlier works will not be surprised that Dr. Jacob's view of the term 'Indo-European' is rather more comprehensive than the more restricted term 'Aryan' that has hitherto been widely used as a synonym of it. And those interested in the Aryan ethos itself - chiefly on account of the German use of the term during the last war - may be surprised to learn that it does not consist in nationalistic virtues so much as in spiritual discipline and development - and that this development is characteristic of the religions of very extended and diversified branches of the Indo-European family.

I. The Origins of the Indo-European Religions

II. Pralaya: Cosmic Floods, the Sun and the First Man

III. Samkhya-Yoga, Shramana, Brahmana, Tantra: The religious traditions of the ancient Indians

IV. Vedic and Tantric Rituals: A comparison

V. Reviving Adam: The sacrificial rituals of the Indo-Aryans and the early


VI. Dionysus and Muruga: Notes on the Dionysiac religion

VII. On the Germanic gods Wotan and Thor

Book information

ISBN: 9780648499619
Publisher: Indigo Dragon Innovations Pty Ltd
Imprint: Manticore Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 278
Weight: 304g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 16mm