Publisher's Synopsis
You can have the happiness you want!
This book shows you a simpler way to find happiness and success in life.
Learn to think differently about the journey to fulfilment and master the basics of self-development and resilience, to cope with life and its challenges.
Success comes from mastering each step, bringing you closer to a life of adventure, authenticity and possibilities.
Using the Jigsaw of Happiness--a metaphor for putting the pieces of self-growth together--you can climb the steps of Life with purpose and success, enhancing your own experiences and those around you.
Sarah Godfrey is a psychologist and personal coach, and director of a busy professional clinic and coaching practice. She is an educator, adviser, facilitator, program developer, and media spokesperson. She is constantly seeking new challenges and inspiration to grow, develop and improve her clients' lives and her own, as a person and as a practitioner. Sarah works with leaders, entrepreneurs, athletes and creative spirits, as they discover the truth about life, happiness and success, taking personal ownership of their own destiny.