Publisher's Synopsis
In Mutt Mutt Billy, the previous book of The Durra Durra Trilogy, an eventful voyage saw young Luke Reddall arrive in New South Wales, eventually becoming a gentleman farmer in the new colony where James Baker Waldon is serving out his sentence as a convict.
The surprise arrival in the colony of the Duchess of Thurlow's confidant, the blacksmith John Baker, challenges all that Luke holds dear, prompting him to confront his true nature for the very first time.
In a twist of fate, James Baker Waldon is assigned to Luke Reddall to help establish a new farm for his master, Durra Durra. Here James meets a person who will fill an empty place in his heart.
Tragedy strikes; land is razed; natives attack; bushrangers strike a disastrous blow, parting friends forever. For Luke and James the story is far from over; both discovering that good-fortune can sometimes prevail over sadness.