Publisher's Synopsis
A core text for English studies (GCSE or Scottish Standard Grade) and for English or communications studies in other courses. "Do you read me?" fulfills the requirements of the National Criteria in English. It is both a course and a coursework book.;It is concerned with how language, symbols, picture and literary texts work on a reader and with how all the techniques of communications are used by a writer. The book is arranged in five main parts providing a brief overview of genre, focusing on reading different kinds of texts (comics, magazines, pop lyrics, film and television) and leads on to reading "literature", looking at writing different kinds of texts and at the many techniques used by writers to communicate meaning to their audience.;There is an examination of "story" and "narrative" across the genres and focuses on fiction, short stories, novels, poetry, stage plays and screen plays and finally a reference section is included.;The author uses a wide range of source marterial from Chaucer to Christopher Hope, from poetry to magazine advertisements, from films to scripts to student's own writing, and provides a full range of carefully structured activities leading to free response. The author uses an enormous variety of language experiences and the requirements of GCSE.