Publisher's Synopsis
Many new home sales centers have receptionists whose job it is to greet the public, help them feel welcome, create a strong initial impression of the new home community, and engage them before they begin working a sales representative to explore specific opportunities available for them. In this Kindle eBook, there are many concepts, tips, and strategies for new home sales center receptionist to use to represent their companies more effectively and provide a better customer experience for people when they visit or call for information.Looking for a new home is a major life experience for many people - regardless of whether they are shopping for their first home or they've owned homes previously. They have many motivating factors that guide them, such as location, value, price, layout, features, convenience, appearance, safety, and general peace-of-mind.When people enter a new home sales center, they are excited about the possibilities of finding the home they are looking for that will accommodate what they desire in a new home. At the same time, they may feel challenged as they work through the new home sales process to select, acquire, and move into their new home.The new home sales center receptionist's role in the process is to create an outstanding and lasting initial impression to get things started on a warm and positive note. They should feel welcome and comfortable.While the receptionist has no control over whether they might find a home that they want to own, the receptionist is the one responsible for creating that great initial impression and helping them to feel good about what is available.