Publisher's Synopsis
A new generation of teen superheroes is born under scheming minds entangled in a war of science. When all is said and done...who lives, who dies? Will our heroes save or destroy the world they were created to protect? Foreign cybernetic operatives kidnap a symp, a youth of extraordinary power. One incident creates a domino effect...leading to the first mission of Hyperion Enterprise's teen superhero team. Led by Derek Peters, the team faces their first foe and finds a mysterious stranger much like themselves lurking in the darkness. Meanwhile, the company's CEO, Daniel Sutheford, is keeping a secret of global importance, but an old ally turned rival threatens him and his team in a race for the truth. The adventures of our young heroes and their mentors soon reach an action packed, epic climax as some destinies are revealed...and the fates of other's are sealed. This edition contains Sympathy-B Volume 1 / Act I and Act II. This work is also published in a free sampler size containing the first half (Sympathy-B 1.1: The Prodigal Brother Saga Part 1). The Sympathy-B series Sympathy-B is inspired by a love for superhero comics and well as a desire to see more diversity in commercial storytelling. Exploring the fears and ambitions that shape who we are, Sympathy-B makes superheroes relatable. Our young heroes fall in (and out) of love, question who they are, and long for family and fulfillment. For lovers of Hero, X-Men, The Hunger Games, and The Host, Sympathy-B is a blockbuster spectacle with depth of character, where the possibilities of who we are, and who we can be, are expanded upon.