2012 Midnight at Spanish Gardens

Paperback (31 Dec 2011)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Choices at the End of the World On the eve of the end of the world, 20 December 2012, five friends meet in Spanish Gardens, the cafe where they had celebrated their college graduation 20 years before. Over Irish coffees, they reminisce - and reveal long-held and disturbing secrets. Each friend in turn is given a curious set of instructions by an enigmatic bartender named Ariel: "Your life is filled with crossroads and you are free to choose one road or another at any time. Stepping through this door takes away all choices except two -- the choice to live a different life, or return to this one...." Each in turn passes through the portal and are faced with new lives and challenges. Their decisions show a new life -- or something far worse. Ar the end of the world, it's a chance for redemption, or a chance to learn something about themselves. International bestselling author, Alma Alexander, mixes a world or possibilities and paths. What if you could change the past -- go right instead of left, fall in love with a different person, change careers or families, or even change your sex. 2012 Midnight at Spanish Gardens brings those choices to life.

Book information

ISBN: 9780615534930
Publisher: Sky Warrior Book Publishing, LLC
Imprint: Sky Warrior Book Publishing, LLC
Pub date:
Number of pages: 352
Weight: 445g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 20mm