Publisher's Synopsis
Aspiring doctors fear the MCAT with good reason: The exam is a daunting 7.5 hours long and covers much more than just the facts about basic sciences. It's an in-depth, rigorous examination of knowledge of a multitude of physical and biological scientific concepts and principles, as well as critical-thinking and writing skills. MCAT Physics and Math Prep, 4th Edition, provides topic reviews of all the physics and math students need to know, including kinematics, mechanics, fluids and elasticity of solids, electrostatics, electricity and magnetism, oscillations and waves, sound and light, and geometrical optics. The book also include access to 3 full-length practice MCAT exams. Series Overview: The Princeton Review's subject-specific MCAT Prep series allows students to focus their review on the MCAT topics that they personally find most challenging.