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Arroz Con Leche: Popular Songs and Rhymes from Latin America (Bilingual)

Arroz Con Leche: Popular Songs and Rhymes from Latin America (Bilingual) - Blue Ribbon Book

Bilingual ed.

Paperback (01 Apr 1992) | English,Spanish

  • $8.51
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Publisher's Synopsis

A collection of traditional Latin-American songs and rhymes, in Spanish and English, with the music included.

Book information

ISBN: 9780590418867
Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
Imprint: Scholastic Paperbacks
Pub date:
Edition: Bilingual ed.
DEWEY: 782.42
Language: English,Spanish
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 104g
Height: 203mm
Width: 232mm
Spine width: 2mm