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Incident at the Panama Canal

Incident at the Panama Canal - Fuerte Life Adventures

Paperback (10 Dec 2020)

  • $10.63
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Publisher's Synopsis

This early reader chapter book series follows a multiracial, AfroLatinx family as they navigate the small and large adventures of life in Latin America!

Jahi is overjoyed to add his remote control Panama Canal train set to the family's Día de los Muertos display. But when he faces a malfunction, his spirits sink.

When a possible catastrophe looms at the Panama Canal, Jahi's great-grandfather must find a way to solve the problem, and fast! Will Jahi learn not to give up from his bisabuelo-the first AfroPanamanian Canal train conductor?

With Spanish sprinkled in, join Jahi as he learns about the Panama Canal, the real-life train conductor, Alfred Springer, and about persevering. Nunca te des por vencido! Never give up!

[Target Age: 5-9]

Book information

ISBN: 9780578808215
Publisher: Real Life Bricks
Imprint: Real Life Bricks
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 54
Weight: 64g
Height: 198mm
Width: 129mm
Spine width: 3mm