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The Spirit Guide

The Spirit Guide America's Haunted Breweries, Distilleries, and Wineries - Spirit Guide

Paperback (13 Jul 2020)

  • $22.30
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Publisher's Synopsis

Are you thirsty for a paranormal adventure? Do you enjoy visiting bars where the floors are sticky with decades of spilled beer? How about a prison where moonshine is being legally distilled? Or maybe even a seedy bordello turned award-winning winery? From battles to murder, and stouts to Merlots, learn about the darker side of America's liquid libations as we journey to some of the most haunted breweries, distilleries, and wineries in the country. You might even find some boos to go with your booze. Sip on a Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout in Denver's oldest brewpub, enjoy a pint of Shanghai'd IPA above Portland's infamous Shanghai Tunnels, or try a taste of butterscotch moonshine in one of America's most haunted prisons turned distillery. Whether you're searching for rich history, delicious drinks, or a few ghosts lurking in the shadows, The Spirit Guide: America's Haunted Breweries, Distilleries, and Wineries is the perfect companion for your next haunted road trip. Cheers!

Book information

ISBN: 9780578715667
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Spook-Eats
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 206
Weight: 281g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 11mm