Publisher's Synopsis
A comprehensive and practical music course, covering Key Stage 3 of the National Curriculum and GCSE. While essentially performance-based, all other aspects of National Curriculum requirements - including listening, composing, appraising - form an integral part of the course.;The core of "The Music Factory" is a flexible Teacher Resource Book containing 120 practical activities for classroom music-making. Linked to this resource book is a series of Instrumental Workbooks for keyboard, guitar, bass guitar and percussion, which complement and support the Teacher Resource Book by approaching the teaching of concepts in a similar way, and encouraging a creative approach to learning an instrument. There is also a separate volume of Ensemble Scores for group performance.;The material in the instrumental workbooks has been carefully planned so that concepts and techniques are introduced, consolidated and extended together. Each set of three progressively graded workbooks contains 25 units, each covering exactly the same musical ground, but appropriate to the specific requirements of individual instruments. Many units contain work on improvisation and sight reading, and every other unit contains the individual part for an Ensemble Piece, arranged for all the instruments covered by this project, and discussed in the Teacher Resource Book.;The course aims to provide classroom teachers with an inexhaustible fund of ideas for creative activities, closely tailored to National Curriculum requirements, and with a very useful resource for teaching the popular instruments.