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Anne Frank's Tales from the Secret Annex

Anne Frank's Tales from the Secret Annex A Collection of Her Short Stories, Fables, and Lesser-Known Writings, Revised Edition

Revised edition

Paperback (04 Mar 2003)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The candid, poignant, unforgettable writing of the young girl whose own life story has become an everlasting source of courage and inspiration.

Hiding from the Nazis in the "Secret Annex" of an old office building in Amsterdam, a thirteen-year-old girl named Anne Frank became a writer. The now famous diary of her private life and thoughts reveals only part of Anne's story, however. This book rounds out the portrait of this remarkable and talented young author.

Newly translated, complete, and restored to the original order in which Anne herself wrote them in her notebook, Tales from the Secret Annex is a collection of Anne Frank's lesser-known writings: short stories, fables, personal reminiscences, and an unfinished novel, Cady's Life.

Book information

ISBN: 9780553586381
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
Imprint: Bantam Books
Pub date:
Edition: Revised edition
Language: English
Number of pages: 208
Weight: 106g
Height: 173mm
Width: 108mm
Spine width: 15mm