Let's Get Invisible! (Classic Goosebumps #24)

Let's Get Invisible! (Classic Goosebumps #24) Volume 24 - Classic Goosebumps

Paperback (28 Apr 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Goosebumps now on Disney+!

The original books featuring the scariest creatures from the Goosebumps movie, in theaters October 16, 2015!On Max's birthday, he finds a kind of magic mirror in the attic. It can make him invisible.So Max and his friends start playing "now you see me, now you don't." Until Max realizes that he's losing control. Staying invisible a little too long. Having a harder and harder time coming back.Getting invisible is turning into a very dangerous game. The next time Max gets invisible, will it be...forever?

Book information

ISBN: 9780545828796
Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
Imprint: Scholastic Paperbacks
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 144
Weight: 106g
Height: 135mm
Width: 194mm
Spine width: 9mm