The Great Puppy Invasion

The Great Puppy Invasion

Hardback (03 Oct 2017)

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Board Book (06 Aug 2019) $14.02

Publisher's Synopsis

What's a town to do when not one, not two, but hundreds of adorable, wriggling puppies invade?

This is especially a problem in Strictville, where no one has ever seen puppies before. And where there are rules against such things. In fact, cuteness of any kind is considered downright criminal.

But one boy is brave enough to face the adorable doggies, and he just may turn things around for this narrow-minded town. A true treat for the funny bone!

Book information

ISBN: 9780544999176
Publisher: HMH Books
Imprint: Clarion Books
Pub date:
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 40
Weight: 388g
Height: 263mm
Width: 240mm
Spine width: 11mm