Grateful For You

Grateful For You

Paperback (20 Nov 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Show how grateful you are in a way they'll always remember.

Pinterest lovers and bloggers will love the style and design of this special gift book. More than a greeting card for not much more in cost, Grateful for You is a beautiful way to extend appreciation in a way the recipient will be truly blessed. This book is filled with inspirational quotes and stylized text paired with striking photography to let your friend or family member know how grateful you are for him or her. The message is long lasting, and the general inspirational content is appropriate for a variety of demographics and gift-giving occasions such as a Thank You card, birthday, an anniversary, and more. The book includes space to personalize your message of gratitude.

Trim Size: 5.5 x 6.5

Book information

ISBN: 9780529121868
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Imprint: Thomas Nelson
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 176
Weight: 290g
Height: 165mm
Width: 143mm
Spine width: 13mm