Opposition and Resistance in Nazi Germany

Opposition and Resistance in Nazi Germany - Cambridge Perspectives in History

Paperback (09 Jun 2001)

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Publisher's Synopsis

An engaging range of period texts and theme books for AS and A Level history. In this innovative new study, Frank McDonough provides a clear account of opposition and resistance towards the Nazi regime from 1933 to 1945 and presents the historical debate surrounding this important aspect of the history of Nazi Germany. The book concentrates on the individuals and groups that resisted and opposed Nazi rule, including the Christian churches, industrial workers, youth groups and sections of the army, whose resistance culminated in the assassination attempt against Hitler in July 1944.

About the Publisher

Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press dates from 1534 and is part of the University of Cambridge. We further the University's mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence.

Book information

ISBN: 9780521003582
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Imprint: Cambridge University Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 322.42094309043
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 68
Weight: 128g
Height: 228mm
Width: 153mm
Spine width: 6mm