László Moholy-Nagy

László Moholy-Nagy Painting After Photography - The Phillips Book Prize Series

Hardback (18 May 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This provocative book examines crucial philosophical questions László Moholy-Nagy explored in theory and practice throughout his career. Why paint in a photographic age? Why work by hand when technology holds so much promise? The stakes of painting, or not painting, were tied to much larger considerations of the ways art, life, and modernity were linked for Moholy and his avant-garde peers. Joyce Tsai's close analysis reveals how Moholy's experience in exile led to his attempt to recuperate painting, not merely as an artistic medium but as the space where the trace of human touch might survive the catastrophes of war. László Moholy-Nagy: Painting after Photography will significantly reshape our view of the artist's oeuvre, providing a new understanding of cultural modernism and the avant-garde.

Book information

ISBN: 9780520290679
Publisher: University of California Press
Imprint: University of California Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 759.39
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 248
Weight: 832g
Height: 262mm
Width: 263mm
Spine width: 20mm