The Life of Mozart

The Life of Mozart Including His Correspondence - Cambridge Library Collection - Music

eBook (07 Sep 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This 1845 biography of Mozart by the music journalist Edward Holmes was the first to be published in English. Holmes, who numbered the poet Keats and the publisher Vincent Novello amongst his friends, wrote extensively for periodicals including the Musical Times and The Atlas. A lifelong admirer of Mozart's work, Holmes's keen understanding of its significance is evident throughout the biography. It is based on a thorough study of the then available printed and manuscript sources, in particular many of Mozart's letters which Holmes translated and included as he 'endeavoured throughout to let the composer tell his own story'. He was also able to consult Mozart's own catalogue of his works, that compiled by the publisher Johann André, and the Mozart autograph manuscripts bought by André from Mozart's widow Constanze. The work is written in a very approachable style and will appeal to anyone with an interest in Mozart.

Book information

ISBN: 9780511706400
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Imprint: Cambridge University Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Weight: -1g