
Mastery The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment

Paperback (01 Feb 1992)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Drawing on Zen philosophy and his expertise in the martial art of aikido, bestselling author George Leonard shows how the process of mastery can help us attain a higher level of excellence and a deeper sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in our daily lives.

Whether you're seeking to improve your career or your intimate relationships, increase self-esteem or create harmony within yourself, this inspiring prescriptive guide will help you master anything you choose and achieve success in all areas of your life. In Mastery, you'll discover:

 The 5 Essential Keys to Mastery
 Tools for Mastery
 How to Master Your Athletic Potential 
 The 3 Personality Types That Are Obstacles to Mastery
 How to Avoid Pitfalls Along the Path
 and more...

About the Publisher


Plume was founded in 1970 as the trade paperback imprint of New American Library. In its early history, Plume focused primarily on nonfiction titles, publishing approximately 35 titles per year. In the early 1980s, as trade paperbacks were rapidly becoming the format of choice among a large segment of book buyers, Plume began expanding its reach, and became recognized as one of the pre-eminent trade paperback imprints. The 1980's saw Plume make its mark with a number of major bestsellers, including Toni Morrison's Tar Baby, Erica Jong's Fanny, Russell Baker's Growing Up, and Gloria Steinem's Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions, among others. Now, in 2014, Plume is publishing 85 to 100 titles a year, and its backlist currently encompasses approximately 700 titles.

Book information

ISBN: 9780452267565
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Imprint: Plume
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 192
Weight: 140g
Height: 127mm
Width: 177mm
Spine width: 13mm