Street Boners

Street Boners 1,764 Hipster Fashion Jokes

eBook (27 May 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Fifteen years after founding Vice, Gavin McInnes has poured his creative juices into a new endeavor: Growing in size and influence at an alarming rate, the site's main feature is the new and improved version of Gavin's "DOs and DON'Ts," now tantalizingly called Street Boners. These Boners have been polished and compounded into a book that takes the best of the site and adds hundreds more gems! With 1,312 photos, hilarious captions, and a harsh new rating system-from one to 10 kitten faces-STREET BONERS makes sure no glorious fashion statement goes unnoticed. Innocent citizens are either damned to hell or relentlessly exalted into heaven. Chloe Sevigny, Debbie Harry, Fred Armisen, and Tim & Eric also contribute their scathing wit to the book, and the end result is a New York fashion bible no bathroom should be without.

Book information

ISBN: 9780446569095
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Imprint: Grand Central Publishing
Pub date:
Number of pages: 300
Weight: -1g