Boys Rock!

Boys Rock! - Boy/Girl Battle

Paperback (10 Jul 2007)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Wally Hatford dreams of long lazy days far away from school and Caroline Malloy. But Wally, the best speller among the Hatford brothers, gets roped into helping them with a summer newspaper project that will earn the twins school credit.
What does that get Wally? When he hears scratching noises coming from Oldakers' bookstore cellar, Mr. Oldaker trusts him to keep a secret that could turn into a scoop for their newspaper. Wally worries that the secret may be too scary to keep to himself.
What's worse, the Malloy girls have horned in on the newspaper. If there's one person Wally won't spill his secret to, it's nutty Caroline Malloy. No matter what it is!

Book information

ISBN: 9780440419907
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
Imprint: Yearling
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 144
Weight: 119g
Height: 194mm
Width: 133mm
Spine width: 8mm