Preserving Our Heritage Level 1 Part 1

Preserving Our Heritage Level 1 Part 1

Paperback (23 Jul 2004)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Preserving Our Heritage is an exciting language arts textbook that uses the culture and heritage of The Bahamas to deliver key skills in language and literacy. Suitable for use throughout the Caribbean, Preserving Our Heritage:

- covers the language arts requirements for this level

- contains poems, stories, factual accounts and other text extracts to interest and motivate children

- uses a systematic approach to develop skills in reading, writing, grammar and critical thinking

- includes activities that encourage children to use practical skills such as listening, speaking, writing and creative skills such as drawing and designing

- provides activities to reinforce knowledge and test understanding

- is in full colour and has attractive pages that are accessible to children of all abilities

About the Publisher

Hodder Education

At Hodder Education, we publish a wide range of market-focused innovative print resources and digital services, designed for core UK and key International markets, selling to over 140 countries worldwide. Hodder Education is the second largest school publisher in the UK, trusted to help teachers and students learn through our wide range of high quality resources, and training events. We support the curriculum in almost every subject area and at every level. Hodder Education publishes one of the largest vocational lists in the UK, as well as textbooks and professional resources.

Book information

ISBN: 9780435984724
Publisher: Hodder Education Group
Imprint: Hodder Education
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 250g
Height: 264mm
Width: 195mm
Spine width: 5mm