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My Own Very Lonely Firefly Coloring Book

My Own Very Lonely Firefly Coloring Book - The World of Eric Carle

Paperback (07 Sep 2006)

  • $8.02
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Publisher's Synopsis

The Very Lonely Firefly is now available as a coloring book! Perfect for both reading and coloring, this interactive version of Eric Carle's classic story follows a lonely firefly looking for friends. Each time he sees a light, the firefly chases after it, looking for other fireflies. He chases a flashlight, a car's headlights, and a sky full of fireworks before finally finding his friends.

Special artwork made just for coloring and blank pages at the end for your own drawings bring new life to this timeless story. A sure-fire hit for creative children everywhere.

Book information

ISBN: 9780399246463
Publisher: Penguin Young Readers Group
Imprint: World of Eric Carle
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 127g
Height: 196mm
Width: 277mm
Spine width: 5mm