The Supervisor's Guidebook

The Supervisor's Guidebook Evidence-Based Strategies for Promoting Work Quality and Enjoyment Among Human Service Staff

Second edition

Paperback (01 Mar 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"This guidebook will show how supervisors can ensure support staff to deliver quality services for people with disabilities whose quality of life is heavily dependent on how well those services are provided. Supervisors must ensure staff receive necessary training in their job duties, are actively supported to stay motivated to work proficiently and, at times, effectively assisted to improve their work performance. Supervisors have to overcome many challenges to fulfill these critical duties, often involving frequent changes in their staff work force and varying or limited resources. Complicating the job of staff supervisors is a lack of formal training necessary to perform their supervisory duties effectively. When supervisors do receive training in how to supervise staff work performance, the training is not always very useful. The training is frequently too general to equip supervisors with knowledge and skills to affect staff work p

Book information

ISBN: 9780398093600
Publisher: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, Ltd.
Imprint: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, Ltd.
Pub date:
Edition: Second edition
DEWEY: 361.00683
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: xiv, 325
Weight: -1g