Publisher's Synopsis
Based on the third Jurassic Park movie, tells the adventures of people who land on an island inhabited by dinosaurs to rescue a missing boy and later attempt to escape the herds of dinosaurs who are out to hunt them.
Paperback (01 Jun 2001)
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Based on the third Jurassic Park movie, tells the adventures of people who land on an island inhabited by dinosaurs to rescue a missing boy and later attempt to escape the herds of dinosaurs who are out to hunt them.
ISBN: | 9780375813177 |
Publisher: | Random House Childrens Books |
Imprint: | Random House Childrens Books |
Pub date: | 01 Jun 2001 |
Language: | English |
Number of pages: | 45 |
Weight: | 90g |
Height: | 228mm |
Width: | 152mm |
Spine width: | 6mm |