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Freedom to Choose

Freedom to Choose Life and Work of Helena Wright

Hardback (01 Mar 1984)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Depicts the life of Helena Wright and describes her efforts to educate women about sex and promote the use of birth control.

About the Publisher

The Bodley Head Ltd

The Bodley Head is devoted to excellence in non-fiction in all fields. Its two principal strands are, on the one hand, books of immaculate scholarship in both the humanities and sciences and, on the other, books which contribute to the intellectual and cultural climate of our times. Writers as diverse as Misha Glenny, Ian Mortimer and Roger Penrose will join the list - each very different from the other but united by the originality of their thinking, by their expertise and by their gifts as communicators. They and The Bodley Head are excited by ideas and are determined to make a difference to the way we understand our world.

Book information

ISBN: 9780370305042
Publisher: The Bodley Head Ltd
Imprint: The Bodley Head Ltd
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 272
Weight: 461g
Height: 220mm
Width: 140mm