Viral Nanotechnology

Viral Nanotechnology

Paperback (30 Mar 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Viral Nanotechnology presents an up-to-date overview of the rapidly developing field of viral nanotechnology in the areas of immunology, virology, microbiology, chemistry, physics, and mathematical modeling. Its chapters are by leading researchers and practitioners, making it both a comprehensive and indispensable resource for study and research.

The field of viral nanotechnology is new and quickly expanding due to increasing demand of the applications already developed. The editors identify viral nanotechnology as a significant science that concerns itself with how to use the molecular modules that the distinctly different science of molecular engineering only constructs. The current potential applications of viral technology are manifold, with opportunities to revolutionize practices in photonics, catalysis, electronics, energy, biomedicine, health care, and public health.

This book emphasizes using viral nanotechnology to improve health. A special emphasis is placed upon using viral nanotechnology for developing vaccines. In addition, it documents viral nanotechnology's use as a powerful tool for developing drugs and genetic therapies. There is also great potential in its use as a means for diagnostics, including the development of diagnostic reagents and novel imaging technologies for detecting disease and infectious agents.

Viral nanotechnology's rapid and exciting growth is due to the need for new tools in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. The contributors to this volume approach each chapter with the hope that their research and practices will contribute to an improvement in health and life on an unprecedented scale in human history.

Book information

ISBN: 9780367658779
Publisher: CRC Press
Imprint: CRC Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 620.5
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 524
Weight: 966g
Height: 280mm
Width: 210mm