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The Movies of the Eighties

The Movies of the Eighties

Hardback (25 Oct 1990)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Celebrating the golden decade of films and film-making, this is an introduction to the stars, directors and producers who have shaped the 80s. The authors reveal how Hollywood has made more movies than at any other time since the 30s and 40s and has shattered many box office records.

About the Publisher

Little, Brown

Little, Brown is the literary hardback imprint that feeds into our Abacus paperback list. We publish across a wide range of areas, including fiction, history, memoir, science and travel, but within this diverse list the vast majority of books have in common a strong narrative and a distinctive voice.

Book information

ISBN: 9780356195759
Publisher: Little, Brown
Imprint: Little, Brown
Pub date:
DEWEY: 791.43
DEWEY edition: 20
Language: English
Number of pages: 287
Weight: -1g