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The Dog Who Came in from the Cold

The Dog Who Came in from the Cold - The Corduroy Mansions Series

1st paperback ed

Paperback (07 Apr 2011)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In the genteel environs of Corduroy Mansions, Pimlico, strange doings are afoot, mostly in the name of love. Lonely William French and his faithful canine Freddie are recruited to the service of MI6 by a beguiling lady operative, William's neighbour Caroline finds her suitor James mysteriously lacking, and Barbara Ragg is tempted to the Highlands by blossoming romance. Meanwhile sage psychiatrist Berthea Snark, under normal circumstances the voice of reason, finds herself called away to protect her brother from a band of scheming New Age fraudsters seeking to insert themselves into the bosom of the family.

Hilarious and affectionate, The Dog Who Came In from the Cold rejoins Alexander McCall Smith's delightful London tribe of loveable misfits and hopefuls in a new set of adventures in life, love and philosophy.

About the Publisher


Book information

ISBN: 9780349123219
Publisher: Little, Brown
Imprint: Abacus
Pub date:
Edition: 1st paperback ed
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 342
Weight: 244g
Height: 197mm
Width: 125mm
Spine width: 24mm