Publisher's Synopsis
In The Golden Cat, Gabriel King continues the enchanting quest that began with The Wild Road-the novel the San Francisco Chronicle crowned "mythical," and Richard Adams, author of Watership Down, deemed "absolutely magical. . ."
The ancient prophecy speaks of a golden cat whose coming will heal the troubled world. But the Queen of Cats has three golden kittens-and when two are stolen away, the distraught parents turn to Tag, the brave young cat who is the protector of the magical Wild Road.
The desperate search moves from the water-lit Oceanarium and sun-dappled Tintagel to the distant Louisiana bayous and the pyramids of Egypt. As Tag and his friends struggle on, so does a terrifying, unearthly force-a preternatural vortex threatening the Wild Road, tearing at the very fabric of existence. But Tag is disastrously unprepared for the powerful darkness that threatens to consume everything in its wake . . .