Publisher's Synopsis
Interest in theological hermeneutics alongside the study of critical and literary theory has given rise to a growing sense among students of the need to address the nature of texts and their textuality, and the truth claims which they make. "Between Truth and Fiction" begins with an extended introduction to textuality and literature, with an overview of hermeneutics and question about reading and reception. And issues such as intertextuality, the relationship between the Bible and other texts in literature, theology as story, autobiography as theology, poetry and proclamation are covered. Central to the book are original texts by a variety of authors, Christian and secular, which the reader will be encouraged on reflect on for him or herself. The Reader includes texts by authors from the Bible to Saint Augustine, Graham Greene, Margaret Atwood, William Shakespeare, Jonathan Edwards, Thornton Wilder, Salman Rushdie, Virginia Woolf, Jostein Gaardner and Stephen Hawking.