Publisher's Synopsis
This is the first full-length critical assessement of this British dramatist, whose recognition and influence is steadily extending to a position of international eminence.;Particular attention is given to Barker's movements in style toward a unique form of political expressionism, his rejection of liberal humanism, his characteristically ruthless and holy vision of sexuality and its radicalizing power, the growing importance and redefinition of existentialism in a social context and the honing of a verbal style based on extravagant rhythms and a humour which alternately undermines and elevates.;The author also discusses Barker's achievements in a spirit of theatrical, political and sexual re-evaluation, drawing on conversations with noted stage interpreters of Barker: Penny Downie, Paul Freeman, Gary Oldman, Maggie Steed, Harriet Walter and Ian McDiarmid, in order to build up a theatrical sense of the possibilities in Barker's plays and poems.