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Graduation Girl!

Graduation Girl! - The Very Fairy Princess

Hardback (29 May 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The end of the school year is here, and Very Fairy Princess Gerry is getting ready to graduate! She always loves a celebration, but can't help but feel a little sad as she empties her cubby, takes down her art projects, and says goodbye to her class pet, Houdini the hamster. She's also a little nervous about leaving Miss Pym... what if her new teacher doesn't let Gerry wear her wings and crown? Change can be hard, even for a fairy princess! Thankfully, she realizes that new things can bring their own sparkle.

From the mother-daughter team of Julie Andrews and Emma Walton Hamilton comes another delightful story in the #1 New York Times best-selling Very Fairy Princess series.

About the Publisher

Little, Brown Young Readers

Little, Brown is the literary hardback imprint that feeds into our Abacus paperback list. We publish across a wide range of areas, including fiction, history, memoir, science and travel, but within this diverse list the vast majority of books have in common a strong narrative and a distinctive voice.

Book information

ISBN: 9780316219600
Publisher: Little, Brown
Imprint: Little, Brown Young Readers
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.914
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 444g
Height: 256mm
Width: 256mm
Spine width: 9mm