Conductors on Composers

Conductors on Composers

Hardback (30 Jul 1993)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A lively commentary by 123 important conductors of the past and present on the music they perform, this work discloses fascinating insights on much of our classical concert and recorded repertoire. It reveals different approaches of these interpreters of great music and also sometimes surprising prejudices and enthusiasms. The material comes from hundreds of sources, mainly conductors' autobiographies and their critical writings, interviews with conductors, and biographical works, all interwoven into a cohesive narrative for each of the 71 composers covered. A companion to the author's Composers on Composers, this volume is similarly organized alphabetically by composer. Brief biographies are given of the conductors, and their remarks on the music can be traced via indexing.

Book information

ISBN: 9780313277276
Publisher: ABC-CLIO
Imprint: Greenwood Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 780.9
DEWEY edition: 20
Language: English
Number of pages: 272
Weight: 624g
Height: 234mm
Width: 156mm
Spine width: 17mm