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The Death of Adam

The Death of Adam Essays on Modern Thought

Paperback (01 Nov 2005)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In this award-winning collection, the bestselling author of Gilead offers us other ways of thinking about history, religion, and society. Whether rescuing "Calvinism" and its creator Jean Cauvin from the repressive "puritan" stereotype, or considering how the McGuffey readers were inspired by Midwestern abolitionists, or the divide between the Bible and Darwinism, Marilynne Robinson repeatedly sends her reader back to the primary texts that are central to the development of American culture but little read or acknowledged today.

A passionate and provocative celebration of ideas, the old arts of civilization, and life's mystery, The Death of Adam is, in the words of Robert D. Richardson, Jr., "a grand, sweeping, blazing, brilliant, life-changing book."

Book information

ISBN: 9780312425326
Publisher: Picador USA
Imprint: Picador USA
Pub date:
DEWEY: 973.92
Language: English
Number of pages: 288
Weight: 254g
Height: 206mm
Width: 150mm
Spine width: 18mm