Youth Ministry 3.0

Youth Ministry 3.0 A Manifesto of Where We've Been, Where We Are and Where We Need to Go - Youth Specialties

Hardback (01 Feb 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Over the past several decades there have been three significant shifts in youth culture; each new shift brought with it different values and priorities in the lives of teens. Youth ministries adapted and responded to the first two shifts, but we're missing the boat on the third. The result? Youth ministry isn't addressing the realities and needs of today's youth culture. After nearly three decades in youth ministry, Mark Oestreicher has lived through a lot of those shifts himself. In recent years, he's found himself wondering what needs to change, especially since so much of what we're doing in youth ministry today is not working. In Youth Ministry 3.0, youth workers will explore, along with Marko and the voices of other youth workers, why we need change in youth ministry, from a ministry moving away from a dependence on programs, to one that is focused on communion and mission. They'll get a quick history of youth ministry over the last fifty years. And they'll help dream about what changes need to take place in order to create the next phase of youth ministry -- the future that needs to be created for effective ministry to students.

About the Publisher


Zondervan, part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, is a world leading Bible publisher and provider of Christian communications. For more than 80 years, Zondervan has delivered transformational Christian experiences through its bestselling Bibles, books, curriculum, academic resources and digital products. The company's products are sold in multiple formats, worldwide in more than 60 countries, translated into nearly 200 languages. Zondervan offices are located in Grand Rapids, MI.

Book information

ISBN: 9780310668664
Publisher: Zondervan
Imprint: Zondervan
Pub date:
DEWEY: 259.23
Language: English
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 290g
Height: 209mm
Width: 146mm
Spine width: 16mm