Give the Dog a Bone

Give the Dog a Bone

eBook (18 Dec 2007)

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Publisher's Synopsis

NO MERE MURDER IS GOING TO MAKE DOG THERAPIST ALLIE BABCOCK ROLL OVER AND PLAY DEAD.As canine shrink Allie Babcock knows, behind every neurotic dog stands a neurotic human. But the rambunctious golden retriever named Maggie cant even begin to compete with the nuttiness of her owner. Befuddled millionaire Ken Culberson insists that he killed his wife and that Maggie is channeling her spirit. He talks Allie into becoming the dogs legal guardian in case he, too, should diewhich he promptly does, thanks to a murderer. Friends and relatives immediately gather to sniff after the fortune that will go to whomever Allie picks to be Maggies new owner. Wondering who in the pack did the deed, sleuthhound Allie vows that Maggie and her millions will only go to a killer over her own dead body. . . .From the Paperback edition.

Book information

ISBN: 9780307415325
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
Imprint: Random House Publishing Group
Pub date:
Number of pages: 240
Weight: -1g