

Paperback (30 Jun 1989)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This text book covers the basics of travel and tourism for use on the wide variety of courses in schools and colleges where travel and tourism is featured.;The text aims to cover all aspects of the industry such as: reasons for travel and a brief history of tourism; travel and transport; accommodation and catering; leisure recreation and business facilities, tourism promotion, both at home and overseas; geography of tourism; inpact of tourism on the environment, economy and on local culture, and community and working in the industry.;Each chapter contains stimulus material drawn from a variety of sources, numerous diagrams, figures and photographs as well as exercises, assignments and role plays to encourage an investigative approach to the subject.;It is considered ideal for travel and tourism courses which form part of TVEI, CPVE, BTEC First as well as the Southern Examining Groups GCSE in Travel and Tourism and relevant City and Guilds courses.

Book information

ISBN: 9780273030522
Publisher: Pitman
Imprint: Pitman
Pub date:
DEWEY: 338.4791
DEWEY edition: 19
Number of pages: 199
Weight: 356g
Height: 246mm
Width: 186mm