Zero Syntax

Zero Syntax Experiencers and Cascades - Current Studies in Linguistics

Paperback (31 Oct 1996)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The analysis and theory developed in Zero Syntax is an important contribution to the understanding of Universal Grammar. The overriding theme is the notion that the availability and syntactic positioning of arguments is not a matter of chance but arises from laws governing the structure of lexical entries and from laws governing syntactic structures themselves. Along the way, Zero Syntax also examines issues of broad significance to current theoretical linguistic research in syntax and lexical semantics. Zero Syntax develops two main topics: a simple view of syntactic linking regularities that it defends in the domain of Experiencer predicates (predicates such as "annoy"), and a theory of syntactic constituency that involves two parallel modes of structural organization (one of which is the Cascade syntax). The theme that ties these issues together is the supposition that phonologically null ("zero") morphology is present in structure, detectable through its syntactic and morphological consequences. The arguments inZero Syntax will be relevant to debates about such issues as empty elements in syntax and morphology, whether syntactic structures should be binary branching, the structure of double-object constructions, and whether verbs have multiple meanings related by lexical rules or abstract/general meanings that are ambiguated in particular constructions. Current Studies in Linguistics No. 27

Book information

ISBN: 9780262661003
Publisher: The MIT Press
Imprint: The MIT Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 370
Weight: 506g
Height: 154mm
Width: 227mm
Spine width: 21mm