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Neurophilosophy Toward a Unified Science of the Mind-Brain - Computational Models of Cognition and Perception

Paperback (01 Jan 1989)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Five chapters in the book's first part, "Some Elementary Neuroscience," sketch the history of the science of nervous systems and provide a general introduction to neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, and neuropsychology. In the second part, "Recent Developments in the Philosophy of Science," chapters place the mind-body problem within the wider context of the philosophy of science. Drawing on recent research in this area, a general account of intertheoretic reduction is explained, arguments for a reductionist strategy are developed, and traditional objections from dualists and other anti reductionists are answered in novel ways. The third part, "A Neurophilosophical Perspective," concludes the book with a presentation and discussion of some of the most promising theoretical developments currently under exploration in functional neurobiology and in the connectionist models within artificial intelligence research.

A Bradford Book.

Book information

ISBN: 9780262530859
Publisher: The MIT Press
Imprint: The MIT Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 152
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 546
Weight: 836g
Height: 228mm
Width: 153mm
Spine width: 25mm